Category Archives for Blog

Where is more necessary to build Secondary schools? Part III

Although in the second part of the article I mentioned the change in the approach to the solution, I did not get good solutions. Evidently, by only using the distance to the nearest school factor,…

Where is more necessary to build secondary schools? Part II

In the first part of the analysis I promised not to give up in the search of other possible solutions, taking into account other approaches to determine where was Uruguay in greatest need of the…

Where is more necessary to build secondary schools? Part I

For a long time, I have been wanting to soak myself up with Spatial Data Science and to play with it. Combining GIS (geographic information system), DBMS (Database Management System), Data Analytics y Big Data…

Brief wake-up call about false negatives.

Previous note: we recommend that you have this song on hand for this article: What I Am (Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians, 1988) It Is said that an Arabian proverb reads: He who knows,…

Trends in Analytics: what Gartner Data & Analytics Summit gave us.

Days ago, we attended the Gartner event: Data & Analytics Summit in Orlando, USA. More that 4,000 people participated in the event, mainly companies form the United States and Canada, there were more that 100…

Episode IV – A New Algorithm

DisclaimerIn the third article I wrote about this topic I said it was going to be the last one. I lied. The thing is that there is more to talk about this application, and you…

Birds of a feather vote together (part III)

Last week, “” [], became a media boom, everybody was talking about. It is an application which recommends users who to vote, in the upcoming elections.Users, basically, must score from 1 to 5 (1 meaning…

Birds of a feather vote together (part II)

Last week, “” [], became a media boom, everybody was talking about. It is an application which recommends users who to vote, in the upcoming elections.Users score from 1 to 5 (1 meaning ‘disagree’, 3…

Birds of a feather vote together (part I)

From night to day, a new “test” called [], became a media boom everybody was talking about. It is an application which recommends users who to vote in the upcoming elections. This is how…

What do Uruguay’s running presidential candidates’ tweet? Part II

In the previous post, I analysed candidates’ tweets by processing natural language. Here, we will analyze their networks. Network Analysis I thought it was relevant to find out who candidates follow in Tweeter. To this…

What do Uruguay’s running presidential candidates’ tweet? Part I

“I like politics, I believe it is an appropriate environment to try to change certain issues and build a better country. I also like Twitter, I believe it is an appropriate environment to share what…

What are 40 years worth?

In this post we are going to refer to Joseph Schumpeter again (‘Theory of economic development’, 1911), and to the evolution curves (‘Dissemination of Innovations’, by Everett Rogers, 1962). For example, let us consider the…