All posts by Rocío Varela.

Field Evolution: Harnessing Tech to Power Your Workforce

In the fast-paced world of utilities, adaptability, and efficiency are not just advantages; they are absolute necessities. This is where Field Service Management (FSM) and Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) come into play.

Is the Data Governance we have the one we need?

It’s been a long time since organizations are talking about the importance of having a Data Governance Framework. Since digital transformation is about speed and accelerating time to market, one of the most prominent challenges…

Empowering Utilities for Tomorrow: The Unyielding Power of Data Governance

Since Big Data came along, Data Governance has been essential due to the exponential growth of information and its diversity. Furthermore, in transforming into an AI-driven organization robust Data Governance is not just a nice-to-have—it's…

Navigating Data Governance: strategies for every stage in the journey

Organizations often mistakenly believe implementing a Data Governance program involves embarking on large-scale, high-risk projects. In this context, it is crucial to start with quick wins.

Partnership for the Future of Public Services in Latin America!

Quanam is pleased to announce its new strategic partnership with Red Clay, a company based in the US and Latin America, renowned as an Oracle Partner for the region, specializing extensively in the Utilities sector.

Is the Data Governance we have the one we need?

It’s been a long time since organizations are talking about the importance of having a Data Governance Framework. Since digital transformation is about speed and accelerating time to market, one of the most prominent challenges…

What are the main technology trends for 2023?

It is difficult to predict with certainty which technology trends will be dominant in 2023, as the technology landscape is constantly evolving and can be influenced by many factors. However, there are some areas where…

Does AI understand the term diversity?

At the end of the year and commemorating the 30th anniversary of the first diversity march, Camila Palomeque put image generation models to test to find out what they manage to capture from the poetic…

What would be the ideal Uruguay alternative jersey design?

After the amount of criticism and especially memes that Uruguay's last alternative shirt received, the idea of what variants could be made arose. Pablo Molina presents more alternatives based on image generation tools.

Belgium will win the World Cup in Qatar according to a predictive model

Héctor Cotelo uses a predictive model to analyze which team has the best chance of being victorious in the next World Cup in Qatar.

The Maracanazo in color 

72 years after the Maracanazo, for the first time, we see the images in color. We share with you the most impressive images, the most exciting videos, with real expressions, thanks to AI.

Is there a clear difference between the performance of Uruguayan players in their clubs and in the national team?

Much has been said about the moment that the Uruguayan team is going through, with a change of DT included, and although practically half of my life was spent with Maestro Tabarez as coach of…