MSP (Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay) Challenge

Implement a pilot system, for some preselected entities of both the MSP as well as the private subsector, allowing for agile and flexible analysis.


Datawarehouse resident in SqlServer: Health Management Information System (SIG) and System of Vital and Epidemiological Statistics (SEVE).

Benefits: SIG

  • Agile and flexible analysis for the crossing of variables. i.e. What is the number of beds available in the sector at a national level classified by type of service and level of care?
  • It incorporates new important information for beneficiaries, information on human resources, expenditure structure and associated costs, availability and performance of resources, production data, indicators of intensity and quality of use of services, compensation information, availability of beds, etc. i.e. What is the distribution of salaries and amounts of human resources, classified between direct and indirect costs and analyzed by institution, specialty, and remuneration schemes (salary, medical act, etc.)?

Benefits: SEVE

  • Agile and flexible analysis for specific questions about some of the public health issues, such as: cancer, infant mortality, pregnancy control, communicable diseases, as well as related to demography. i.e. What was the evolution of infant mortality in each of the departments? How many people died of AIDS categorized by risk groups, by age range and by sex?