Success stories:

Big Data & Data Science

Telecommunications Company in South America

Quanam was responsible for the data lake implementation and associated analytical and advanced analytical solutions. Within the scope of the project, Quanam participated in the  implementation of the Data Lake Data Governance Strategy by defining policies,  processes and controls to measure compliance for ingestion, self-service, catalog,  security and data quality. Some of the use cases implemented with Machine Learning Models are:

  • Debt forecast
  • Personalized product recommendation and shows (ANTEL owns an Arena).
  • Churn Model
  • Customers scoring for customer value ranking
  • Intelligent Territory is an Integral Technology Platform that provides information about the flow of citizenship. The information was used by the National Health Ministry and the National Statistical Institute.

Key features of the organization




Over 240k


Over 3,000


Use cases

Grid optimization

Enhances electrical power grid efficiency, reliability, and sustainability through accurate load forecasting, renewable energy integration, demand response management, predictive maintenance, energy storage optimization, and network improvement.

Rate design

create effective and efficient pricing strategies that meet both business objectives and customer needs while complying with regulatory requirements.

Efficiency analysis

streamline operations, enhance service reliability, and promote sustainable resource management.

Load Forecasting and Disaggregation

Predicting energy demand and analyzing consumption patterns at a granular level for enhanced operational efficiency, customer service, and strategic planning.

Customer Insights and Engagement

create a more engaging, satisfying, and value-driven customer experience, ultimately driving business growth and customer loyalty.

Demand Response Programs

manage and influence the energy consumption patterns of consumers, particularly during peak demand periods.

Technical and Non-Technical Leaks

detect, analyze, and mitigate losses, which can be due to technical issues, such as leaks or faults in the system, or non-technical reasons, such as theft or inaccurate metering.

Asset Management and Predictive Maintenance

optimize the maintenance, performance, and lifespan of physical assets, leading to increased operational efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced reliability.

Spatial Analysis

optimize operations, enhance service delivery, and plan for future infrastructure needs.

At Quanam, we are committed to the success of utilities companies.


If you would like more information about our services or how we can assist you in achieving your goals, you can fill out our form, and our specialist team will get in touch with you.